Smile Makeovers in Scarsdale, NY
Smile Makeovers start with the steps of understanding the smile the patient wants, collecting intra-oral and full-face photographs, and then working to adjust the photographs for review with you for approval. Our office then partners with daVinciĀ® Dental Studios to create your dream smile in model form. Once you approve the smile model, the dentists at Scarsdale Dental Group use their expertise in translating the functional models to specific treatments.
The list, timing and sequence of treatments recommended to achieve your custom-designed smile by you are discussed with you to identify priorities, constraints, and any concerns. The treatment plan is then implemented over a series of visits, during which at no time will you leave without a new gap in your smile. Your goal of having the smile you wanted and designed is our objective from the initial consultation until the last permanent prosthetic is completed in the treatment plan.
Call 914-723-4707 to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Scarsdale, NY today!