If you ever feel self-conscious about your teeth or your smile, you’re not alone. Insecurities about our teeth are extremely common, but luckily there is something that can be done. Modern dentists have many tools at their disposal to correct teeth issues, including missing teeth, discolorations, misalignments, and more. One of the best ways to correct missing teeth is dental implants.
Dental Implants 101
Dental implants are the gold standard in dentistry for clients who want an easy and nearly permanent solution to their missing teeth. Modern implants are typically made using a titanium post that is implanted into the jaw bone. Once the post is in place, a process called osseointegration occurs that actually integrates the titanium post into the existing bone tissue, creating a very secure way to mount a new tooth structure on top. Once osseointegration of the post has occurred, the dentist will attach a custom-made synthetic tooth to the post. This tooth structure will look just like the client’s regular teeth, matching in shape, size, and color. The tooth structure does not need to be removed and cleaned at night like dentures or a bridge (although clients still must brush and floss as usual) and can remain in place for many years before a replacement is needed. The titanium post itself should never need to be replaced.
How Will Dental Implants Affect My Smile?
Dental implants are a game-changer for anyone who is self-conscious about their smile. Missing teeth not only make a smile look bad, but the exterior facial areas where teeth are missing can often look sunken in, making the client appear older than they actually are. The teeth around where a tooth is missing may also begin to move and shift since the missing tooth is no longer holding them in the correct place, causing major misalignments that also affect the appearance of the face and smile. Dental implants can fix all of these issues! With dental implants securely in place, the facial volume is filled out and surrounding teeth are no longer allowed to move around, giving the client a natural-looking smile and younger-looking appearance.
Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants
Can you get a temporary tooth while waiting for an implant?
Yes! Your dentist can fit you with a temporary crown to sit in the place where your implant will be while the post is healing and integrating into the jaw bone tissue. Once the post has fully healed, the temporary cap will be removed and the permanent implant will be placed.
What is the alternative to dental implants?
The most common alternatives to dental implants are bridges and dentures. Bridges can be removable or more permanent, while dentures are made to be removed and cleaned nightly. Bridges can be good options for clients missing just a few teeth, while dentures are often used for clients who need half or more of their teeth replaced. Bridges and dentures are often less expensive options than dental implants as well.
Get Dental Implants in Scarsdale, NY
Are you tired of dealing with the embarrassment of missing teeth? If you’re ready to take control of your dental health with dental implants, Scarsdale Dental Group is here to help. Schedule an appointment with our talented dental team by calling 914-723-4707 or booking an appointment online. Together, we can help you find dental options that work for your budget and lifestyle, giving you a smile you’ll be proud to show off!